سلة الشراء

اتفاقية الشحن

Why Cash on Delivery service is not available in my country?
Unfortunately, Artolian cannot provide Cash on Delivery service all over the world. The main reason for this is that shipping companies provide this service only in a limited number of countries according to the local customs laws of each one. In this context, Cash on Delivery service is now available in Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates.
Artolian tries to follow updates on customs laws around the world to expand this service to include the largest number of customers.
The information contained in this notification is informal as it is may be subject to modulate continuously by the relevant authorities of each country.
•    For customers in the Arabian Gulf region, it is recommended that the single order does not contain more than twenty items. The value of the order is recommended to not exceed 1000 Saudi riyals or the equivalent of local currencies in order to avoid any possible customs duties.
•    For the customers in Egypt, the value of the customs duties on the herbal products may reach 100% of the total value. Some products, such as honey, are refused entry. Please check before ordering through the official sources in your country.
•    For customers in other north of Africa, customs duties are updated on the goods listed in the parcels so please see your local laws before ordering from Artolian.
•    For customers in conflict zones and dangerous areas, free shipping offer is not applied for orders with 4 or more items. Please see local laws before ordering.
•    For customers in Canada, VAT is applied on some shipments (approximate value of 100 $). Please make sure before you submit the order.
•    For customers in the EU region, VAT may be applied to some postal parcels valued at more than 100 $ or equivalent currencies.
•    Customers in Saudi Arabia, Jordan and India are requested to provide thier ID or VAT or Passport numbers to prepare their shipping documents according to the request of the local authorities of these countries.
All of the above information comes in the context of the fact that Artolian is a retail E-store that sells herbal products directly to customers who purchase them for personal non-commercial use.
All of the above information comes in the purpose of fitting with the local laws and to remind our valued customers of the various possible duties on their shipments so that the customer will not be surprised by any unexpected fees.
•    Artolian sends products to customers all over the world with Aramex Logistics company.
•    When the customers confirm their orders- either by paying the freight fees directly or by taking advantage of the available free shipping offers- Artolian is responsible for paying the freight fees from Turkey to the addresses that the customers had installed.
•    Unlike the shipping fees, Artolian is not responsible for any extra: customs duties, VAT or any other taxes applied in some countries as "Egypt, some EU countries, Canada, some countries of Africa, Syria Etc". Therefore, we advise our customers to inquire about their local laws before confirming their orders. Any process of return or damage to the products by local authorities as a result of non-payment of customs duties by the customer is solely the responsibility of the customer.
•    Artolian apologize to not apply free shipping offers in war zones and some dangerous areas as: "Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, South Sudan, Venezuela " - zones are updated continuously-.
•    Artolian is committed -through the agreement signed with shipping companies- to deliver the shipment to the address that the customer submitted, that includes visiting the submitted address twice.  
•    In some cases, some customers submit wrong or incomplete addresses or do not receive the shipment, which charges additional fees on the Artolian. 
•    If the customer did not receive the shipment because of: wrong or incomplete address, not being at home continuously, refusing to receive the shipment with no reason, and after the second visit to the customer address. The shipment will be transferred to the nearest branch of the shipping company until the customer receives him/her self, and in the absence of receiving the shipment will be destroyed or returned without any financial responsibility for Artolian.
•    After the order is confirmed, the cargo is prepared directly by Artolian and delivered to the cargo company within 3 working days excluding National Holidays, Public Holidays, Saturday and Sunday.
•    After a shipment is received by the shipping company, it arrives at the final destination within 5-7 work days in general situations.
•    Artolian is not responsible for any type of import duties imposed in some countries on post parcels such as India, Pakistan, Egypt, Gabon, etc. Artolian is not responsible for preventing some goods from entering some countries such as China, India, Egypt, Namibia and others.
•    In some cases shipments are delayed due to logistical reasons "weather conditions, wrong addresses, etc." or for official reasons "verification by the security or customs authorities, etc." or for any other emergency reasons. In all such exceptional cases, Artolian have no responsibility for the delay.
Cash On Delivery:
•    Cash On Delivery service is available in GCC contries only for orders up to 100 US dollar.
•    On behalf of Artolian, Aramex shipment company delivers the shipment to the address given by the customer and receives the price of the shipment with delivery fee and/or any other expected fees from the customer.
•    The customer will be fully aware of the amount he/she will pay for his/her shipment including all fees since he/she confirmed the order and will not be required to pay any other fees.
•    The free shipping offers ( orders of four or more products) will not be applied on (cash on delivery) orders. Shipping and/or any expected customs and/or tax charges will be applied to the customer who will choose (cash on delivery) payment method.
Packaging, Damaged shipments:
Artolian follows the highest safety standards when packaging products before shipment. It packs double "around inner and outer packagings" with preservative packing material.
In some cases, due to malpractice by some shipping or clearance workers, some shipments are damaged. Artolian follows up on each case and sends complaints on behalf of the customers to the carrier. However, Artolian not responsible for compensating any shipment damaged due to shipping operations.


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